About the Presenter 

How a systematic and effective approach can improve the ABCs (Attitude, Behavior, Character) of a student with chronic disruptive behavior. 

Why common behavioral strategies don't work. 

The biggest mistakes that most teachers make with maladaptive students.

Understanding maladaptive thinking patterns. 

Powerful strategies for dealing with TACTICS.

Knowing when you're in a TRAP and how to stay out of them. 

A strategic approach that will help you set effective limits. 

How to change consequences into Action-Oriented Consequences.

Strategies that eliminate explosions, melt-downs, and tantrums. 

Proactive strategies like nudging and how these strategies can change the way a student thinks. 

Solutions that address executive dysfunction such as attention, regulation, working memory, and flexible thinking.

Intensive strategies to use when nothing else is working. 

Want to know the most effective strategies that will stop and prevent Chronic Disruptive Behavior from elementary through high school students? 

Join us at this action-packed live simulation training designed to give you the most effective strategies for preventing and eliminating behavior in your school and classroom.  You’ll learn and leave with ready to use techniques for Angry, Obnoxious, Defiant, Explosive, Aggressive, Controlling, Arrogant, Noisy, Oppositional and Maladaptive students.  See these techniques in action as presenter Kevin Dill, Ed.S., simulates implementation. 

Training Session Times 

The Most Powerful Strategies for Preventing and Eliminating

Chronic Disruptive Behavior in Your K-12 Classroom.

Contact Kevin Dill at sntconsulting411@gmail.com or call 309-678-5771 to discuss bringing this power-packed behavior training to your school. 

Participants will receive a certifcate of attendance for 5 instructional hours. Certificates of Completion for this workshop, which indicate 5 contact hours of continuing education, will be available at the end of the workshop. In many cases, depending on your profession and jurisdiction, this Certificate of Completion is sufficient for tracking your continuing education and professional development efforts. We suggest that you contact your local board or governing agency to see exactly what steps are necessary for approval in your particular discipline.

 8:30 - Check In/Sign In

9:00-11:30  Morning Session

11:30-12:30 - Lunch (On Your Own)

12:30 - 3:00   Afternoon Session

 Behavior Training Sessions 

Here's a sample of what you'll learn at the training session: 

Certificate of Attendance 


Kevin Dill, Ed.S. has served as a special education teacher, public school principal, and director of special education.  As an accomplished and renowned educator and popular speaker, Kevin offers practical instructional strategies to help all students learn.  Kevin is known across the country for his innovative and researched-based strategies designed to eliminate chronic disruptive behavior and improve student performance in the classroom.  He is a specialist in the area of student behavior with over 20 years of teaching experience.  Kevin has authored several educational resources including the Most Powerful Solutions to Eliminating Chronic Disruptive Behavior in Your Classroom.

Kevin has trained thousands of teachers, administrators, support staff, and parents.  He serves as the primary Educational Consultant for multiple school districts and corporations.  With tons of humorous real-life stories and current research, he will share the most powerful and practical strategies that master level teachers use to reach and teach chronically disruptive students. Regardless if you’re a new, or veteran educator, you won’t want to miss this power-packed training!  You’ll leave refreshed and renewed with a new set of strategies ready to implement the next day!  

Below is info about the Full-Day Behavior Training. Contact us to bring this full-day training to your school.

The Most Powerful Solutions to Eliminating Chronic Disruptive Behavior in Your K-12 Classroom